招生热线: 010-89229080
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发布时间:2017-08-02   来源:科德学院

       今天是8月1日,我们迎来新的一个月,也迎来新的一天,上午的行程是去参观标志性建筑-故宫,下午去王府井大街享受美食和shopping。一天的行程还没开始我们就已满怀期待,我相信今天一定会有很多火花的碰撞,语言的交谈!Have a nice day!



   Today was a really fun but tiring day. We were able to learn about the history of the forbidden city and see the amazing architecture. This revealed more about how long chinese culture dates back to and the different influences that made china what it is today. We were also able to experience the shopping culture in the more modern area of china Wangfujin where there were many local shops as well as popular western brands.

 In the food street it was also amazing to see the different and interesting delicacies that were being offered and enjoyed by both locals and foreigners.

   Today we visited the 'Forbidden City' in the ancient part of the centre of Beijing, which is also called the Imperial Palace, but during the Chinese empire was only accessible for highly ranked officials and royalty; and thus commoners were not allowed inside (apart from servants) and it became called the forbidden city by locals.

  I was surprised to hear that along with the official queen, the emperor would also have more than 1,000 concubines (girls), who would also live in the palace, and without special permission from the emperor himself was not permitted to leave the premises. The palace itself is red, a lucky colour in China, and most of the roofs are played in gold, a colour that was only allowed to be worn and used by royalty. One of the first palaces you walk by from the main entrance (South Gate) was used as the "working" building, and it was interesting to observe that any building used by the emperor has to be elevated by a minimum of 3 stair levels.

          We also walked through the women's quarters, where they would spend their time painting, sewing and talking with each other. Afterwards we walked to the north gate through the emperors gardens, and headed towards the Wangfujing district to eat lunch using he innovative Mobike app, which allows users to unlock bikes through scanning a QR code that is connected to their credit card. The Wangfujing district is very modern and it's surprising to see how many luxury western brands have a presence on the Wangfujing street - everyone from Pravda and Tiffany & Co. and of course Apple. Probably one of the most surprising things for me was to witness how many people have access to technology, even street vendors are able to use mobile pay apps.
